To vote, all you need to do is to select the business you want to vote for, sign in and submit. That’s all there is to it.
Names of nominated businesses have been listed out. Click ( for the full list.
Kindly visit: There you’ll find all qualified businesses.
Not all businesses qualified for the voting stage based on the set criteria and objectives.
Any business that is not found after the nomination stage did not meet the criteria and could therefore not proceed to the voting stage.
Presently you can view nominated businesses using web (You can always search your business through
A business can be in only one category based on the criteria but can be voted for more than once.
Some certain criteria was used by Sawubuna (auditor) what you got is not an email notifying of the voting stage.
A business must fulfill all criteria before it can be on the voting list. Getting the highest vote at the nomination stage is only one of the criteria used.
The link is working and people are voting. They can try with other computers or phones. Voters should go to the voting link, The link is open until voting ends.
The criteria are as follows: (
To vote for your preferred SME,
A. kindly sign-up from the voting page with your email and other information. Then proceed to activate your sign-up in your provided email account.
B. Or sign-up using any of your social media accounts i.e facebook, twitter, google+ etc.
At this stage, Businesses VOTES contest with all businesses in all category. So, there is nothing like category winners yet until the end of the exercises and the business with the highest votes emerges as the eventual Top 100.
Send an email to OR call us: 0700-800-5000.